Generations come together to nurture a Christ-centered Community.This twelve-session digital bundle focuses on the themes of faith, hope, and love by using Old and New Testament Scriptures as a guide for each session.
LIFT stands for living in faith together and models the early Christian Church.
LIFT brings two or more generations together around a table for four activities: share food (Breaking Bread Together), enjoy fellowship (Playing Together), worship (Praying Together), and study the Bible (Studying God’s Word Together). When generations mutually invest in one another, Christ-centered relationships grow, and intergenerational ministry is born. You can invite two or more generations to learn in small groups around tables where 1–2 key leaders prepare and guide sessions.
While the sessions are structured and specific,
LIFT is flexible because there is no set order for using the resources, and it can be used in many settings. Churches choose themes based on the desired topic, season, and/or Scripture. Sessions within themes are not cumulative, so churches choose the sessions they desire within each theme. Each session includes step-by-step instructions for preparing and leading each activity. One or two facilitators lead sessions that take 45–60 minutes, depending on the activities chosen.
Whether you use
LIFT during midweek activities, as a summer session, at off-site events, or in other settings, use
LIFT to bring the generations in your church together to practice being the body of Christ, gain knowledge for all members, and develop a shared vision as a Christ-centered Community