Si miramos la vida de Jesús solo como una "biografía" o como una "historia", hemos perdido la eternidad! Él fue, es, y será el mismo. Siempre precioso, y perfectamente hermoso.
No se trata de aprender algo nuevo de Él, sino de experimentarlo y vivir como Él. Cristo es la fuente inagotable que transforma cada minuto y cada día de nuestra vida.
Con lecturas breves y centradas en la vivificante preciosidad de Cristo, este libro te lleva a los pies de Él, donde Su presencia y Su carácter perfecto te llenarán de gracia, sanidad y paz. Descubrirás que Él es tu hogar, tu pan y tu perfume. Tu Señor y Salvador.
Deja que Él haga resplandecer su rostro sobre ti!
If we look at the life of Jesus only as a "biography" or as a "story," we have lost eternity! He was, is, and will be the same. Always precious and perfectly beautiful.
It's not about learning something new about Him, but about experiencing Him and living like Him. Christ is the inexhaustible source that transforms every minute and every day of our lives.
With brief readings focused on the life-giving preciousness of Christ, this book takes you to His feet, where His presence and perfect character will fill you with grace, healing, and peace. You will discover that He is your home, your bread, and your perfume, your Lord and Savior. Let Him make His face shine upon you!